Creative Calm Online

The blog of New Jersey Certified Hypnotist James Malone, DCH. Articles on natural healing, hypnotism and various self-improvement topics including financial well-being. Learn how to stay motivated, conquer mental blocks and control unhealthy stress. « self improvement »

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Location: Point Pleasant, New Jersey, United States

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Primed for Success?

Let's try a fun experiment. Answer the following questions out loud and without hesitation. What color is snow? What color are clouds? What color is whipped cream? What color are polar bears? What do cows drink?

If you answered the last question "milk," think again-cows drink water. What you just experienced is called the priming effect, where previous stimuli subliminally influence your current perception and response-in this case repeated mental images involving the color white.

Although the priming effect is a very popular subject amongst research psychologists, it is probably even more beloved by those in the multi-billion advertising industry. And it is a topic you should know more about too if you are looking to lead a happier and healthier life.

In one study a group of 120 school children watched a cartoon show; half were shown food ads during the program, the other half saw ads that were not related to food. A bowl of goldfish crackers (not one of the advertised food products) were made available to the kids while they watched.

It was discovered that the children who saw the food ads ate a whopping 45% more crackers than the control group. The priming effect generalized beyond the specific food products being promoted to an overall motivation to simply consume.

In another experiment involving adults, it was discovered that viewing the McDonald's logo in a mere flash too fast to be registered consciously created a brief but tangible change where the person becomes jittery, impatient and less able to delay gratification in any form.

It is hypothesized that the fast food industry symbolizes speed, efficiency and instant gratification in our collective subconscious.

Dr. Chen-Bo Zong, one of the lead researchers noted that the while the effect of one fast food logo exposure is short-lived, the cumulative effect of seeing dozens or even hundreds of them on a daily basis could have very significant effects on your self-control.

He states, "We're finding that the mere exposure to fast food is promoting a general sense of haste and impatience regardless of the context."

Has the information above perhaps "primed" you to the idea that mindless consumption of media may lead to other forms of mindless consumption?

Some ideas:
-Trade some of the time spent in front of the TV for time in natural surroundings.
-If possible, use the new TV technology that allows you to easily record programs and zip past the commercials.
-Intentionally program yourself every day using affirmations or self-hypnosis.

References for this article were "Fast Food is Stirring Us All into a Hurry" by Chris Gourlay, writing in the London Times, 4/18/2010 and Sleight of Mind by Macnik and Martinez

This article was first published in the Creative Calm Newsletter.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Free Weight Loss Evaluations

Weight loss can be a very complicated issue. There are a number of factors that determine the level of success that you will enjoy.

Apart from age, gender and health factors, there are a number of other things to consider. The decision to eat (or overeat) can be triggered a number of ways apart from the body's legitimate needs for energy and nutrition. These include:

  • Social: eating because the of the people we are around.
  • Emotional: eating to soothe upset feelings.
  • Thinking: certain thought patterns almost guarantee failure when it comes weight loss.
  • Environmental: your surroundings may contain cues that subconsciously trigger the unhealthy urge to eat.

An effective hypnosis counseling program for weight loss needs to evaluate these triggers and is then customized accordingly.

I have been trained and certified in the Multi-Phasic Motivational Programming system or MMP developed by noted hypnotherapist Dr. Brice Kaloski. The process begins with a 30 minute evaluation session to pinpoint your specific needs.

At the present time I am offering that initial visit free of charge (a $50 value) for any individual who is sincerely interested in discovering if hypnosis can help you reach your weight loss goals. There is no further cost or obligation involved; I only want to work with people who can genuinely helped by my services.

To get the process stared, please give me a call at (732) 714-7040.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Successful Waking Hypnosis Audio Program

This week I have launched a new self-help tool, the Successful Waking Hypnosis Audio Program. It differs from other hypnosis CD's in that rather than addressing a single specifid issue like quitting smoking, it is designed to elevate overall confidence levels.

As has long been known in the hypnosis community, when a person feels better they often do better!

Another advantage to the Successful Waking Hypnosis Audio Program is that it can be used both while relaxing and while performing other activities. A great way to use your morning commute!

In the popular MP3 format, this affordable download can be used on any MP3 compatible player or burned to a CD.

To learn more and listen to a preview at the New Jersey Hypnotist Online Store.

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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Cold Reading Skills for Hypnotists?

It may seem odd to suggest learing about the methods used by some psychics and readers as a way of enhancing your hypnosis practice. "Cold reading" is the use of specific psychological techniques that make it appear as if you know things about other people almost magically. However, what is really involved are specific psychological and observational methods that make it appear so.

Why would this be helpful to the certified hypnosis professional? Remember, a major factor in rapport building (essential for hypnotic work) is to have the other person feel as if you understand them. Also a large segment of the population believes in psychic phenomena in some form or another. Whether you as a practitioner subscribe to such notions is actually unimportant, the client's belief system is really all that matters.

A knowledge of cold-reading methodology can also help you build rapport and interest with those individuals who are highly skeptical since its like having an insiders guide to the popular TV show The Mentalist.

When used with integrity and the client's best interests in mind, the study of these cold reading methods can be a positive endeavor. To learn more please Click Here.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shrunken Heads and Stress

After I recently took part in the online promotion of Dr. Bruce Lipton's latest book Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here, that he co-wrote with my spiritual advisor Swami Beyondananda, I did a reread of his best seller The Biology of Belief (Hay House Publishers, 2008)

Dr. Lipton, for those of you who are not familiar with him or his work, is a former medical school professor and researcher who has explored how the state of a person's consciousness actually influences the behavior of each of the trillions of cells that compose the human body.

In one section of the book concerning the effects of unhealthy stress, he notes that over time tension can reduce the blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain, diminishing intelligence and self-control. In severe cases these brain areas can actually atrophy and shrink!

We have all probably had the experience of being on edge and then saying or doing something we later regretted. When the body is in the heightened response to stress mode, it temporarily shuts down functions that are not considered essential to survival at that exact moment. This includes digestion, the immune system and higher reasoning abilities.

Is this why, for example, people "forget" their previous intention to follow a healthier eating plan on a "bad" day?

To be at our best and to avoid the risk of developing what might be called the "shrunken head syndrome" make sure that you are taking care of those stress levels on an ongoing basis.

To view the newsletter from which this article was excerpted, Click Here.


Sunday, September 06, 2009

Logic Vs. Psycho-Logic

A favorite saying of mine goes "there is logic, and then there is psycho-logic!"

Why is it we can have behaviors and responses that are clearly not in our best interest, yet we still persist with them?

For example, many of my clients have been frustrated and even embarrassed because they have not been able to rationally talk themselves out of an unhealthy fear.

Certified hypnosis professionals discuss the idea with their clients that we have both conscious and subconscious minds. The conscious mind is rational and analytical, traits that are highly valued in our society.

The subconscious mind is not rational or analytical, rather it expands upon and acts out upon the input it has received without question.

It doesn't deal with facts, figures and measured arguments like the conscious mind does. Instead its language is that of dreams, symbols, emotions and the imagination.

As a rule, the imagination and other intangibles are not highly valued in Western culture.

Hypnosis is the skillful use of subconscious communication. Using the previous example of a problematic fear, such a response is not consciously chosen. Trying to use a solely logical approach to alleviate the problem is often going to be an exercise in futility, especially if the fear is firmly entrenched.

You have to "speak the language" of the problem so to speak, which hypnosis does.

Obviously developing our ability to think critically and logically are very important. However we can best express our full and true potential when we find the balance between the logical and the "psycho-logical" selves and the art and science of hypnosis can enable you to do that.

P.S. Your questions regarding hypnosis counseling are warmly welcomed! Please feel free to connect with New Jersey Hypnotist James Malone through his website at

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Overweight/Stressed? FREE Initial Consult...

Can hypnosis really help you with healthy weight loss? The answer is a resounding yes, however any skepticism you may have is understandable if you have struggled with this issue for a long time.

Currently I am offering a FREE 30 minute initial consultation to new clients (a $50 value) who would like to learn more. During this meeting you will:

-Receive an assessment as to whether you are really ready to succeed at a weight loss program and if not, what would it take to bring you up to speed.

-Gain a better understanding of what hypnosis counseling really involves.

-Have your level of suggestibility assessed to see what type of hypnotic intervention would work best for you.

There is no further obligation after this assessment and there will be absolutely no "hard sell" since I only want to work with clients who would truly benefit from these services. Interested? CALL (732) 714-7040 to get the ball rolling.

P.S. You can also learn more at